Mornings like today could lead a dog to drink!
Sometime during the night a thunderstorm rolled in. Some of the loudest booms I have ever heard! I did my best to burrow even further under the covers but my mom keep kicking me away. She kept mumbling something about, "Crazy dog! Move over! You are pushing me off my king size bed! How can such a little dog take up so much room? Quit goosing me! Mumble, mumble, mumble..."
I didn't hear the rest because I had burrowed my head into the back of her legs to drown out the thunder. The thunder was so loud that my little brain didn't even register that with thunder comes rain.
When mom finally got up to take us outside, grumbling about coffee as we made our way through the kitchen, the inevitable hit me. I would have to go outside into the rain.
Mom opened the door and practically shove me outside. Of course Tucker bounced out into the precipitation like its no big deal. (That boy isn't playing with a full deck most of the time though). Mom put the leash on Tinkerbell and met us outside with umbrella in hand. I tried to tell her (whine at her feet) that it was raining and I'm not too keen on rain. Can't we do this potty thing after the rain stops? But she wanted nothing to do with my wants and needs and through clenched teeth kept telling me to get out there and go potty. I figured I had no choice. Tinkerbell had already done her thing and apparently so had Tucker because he was jumping up trying to catch raindrops. Seriously, he's not right!
Mom decided she had had enough waiting on me so she took Tinkerbell and Tucker back inside. I was stuck out in the rain by myself. Cold, wet, and lonely, I decided to just do it. I found my spot, squatted to take a poo and midway through the deed...
She told me to be a man and get out there and finish the job. At this point I was in tears and whining loud enough to wake the neighbors so mom grabbed the umbrella and went back out to the yard with me. I finished the deed so fast and ran back to the door that by the time mom caught up with me, she was laughing hysterically. She said she'd never seen a wiener dog move so fast.
Totally traumatized by the events of my morning. I'm going to spend a bit of time on the computer looking up therapists and then I'm tucking back under the covers and taking me a big, fat nap.
A boy can only handle so much commotion in a day.